Cost Calculator

Whether you've been exploring our site and want to learn more, or you just want to get right down to it, you've come to the right place.

You can use this cost calculator to find out how much it will cost to get your project done.

Cinque Terre

"*"indicates required fields

What do you need?

New Website

Ongoing Marketing


"*"indicates required fields

Will users log in?

Typically users will log in to save details, prefill online forms, access restricted areas, save shipping or payment info on e-commerce sites.



Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

How many pages will you need?

e.g., how it works, contact us, team, about, press, terms, FAQ, careers




Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

Will you need to accept payments?

Such as PayPal, Credits Cards, Bitcoins, etc



Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

What is typical transaction?

What is the reason for most of the transactions on your site?



Tickets / RSVPs


Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

Does your website need to connect with an external app, website or database?

Does your site share data with another service (API, web service, product sync, google apps, shipping, internal records etc.)?



Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

Do you have existing photography or videography to use for your new website?

A good website is an immersive experience. The best way to explain your clients why they should choose your company is by showing them.



Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

How important is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Building a site with a heavy focus on each engine optimization is best executed the earlier it is planned. SEO should never compromise a user's experience.

Very Important

Not Important

Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

Do you have a Content Management System(CMS) preference?

A CMS will let you update content on your site without writing code (e.g., writing a blog or editing a page).




"*"indicates required fields

Do you need professional web copywriting?

The saying "Content is King" couldn't be more accurate. This doesn't mean simply typing a bunch of keywords into a page. It's showing the user you are an expert in your field.



Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

After your website is built, do you plan on running any marketing to it?

Yes-Ongoing SEO


No-I Won't Have Time

No-Not Needed

Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

What tools are you currently using as part of your marketing strategy?

Check all that apply.


PPC and Digital Advertising

Social Media

Print Materials



SEO Blogging



Rewards Program



"*"indicates required fields

How can we help?

What can we do to help your business grow?

Strategize and refine my current plan with minimal maintenance

Supplement my own team marketing efforts

Take over my marketing completely

Not Sure

"*"indicates required fields

What efforts would you like Nozak Consulting to take over?

Check all that apply.

PPC or Digital Advertising

SEO Blogging

Email Marketing

Video Asset Creation

Lead Tracking

Monitoring Analytics

Monitoring My Online Reputation

Print Materials


"*"indicates required fields

How satisfied are you with your current marketing efforts?

Totally despise

Occasionally loathe


Pretty okay

Satisfied AF

I have no clue

"*"indicates required fields

What is the approximate lifetime value of a customer/client?

Knowing how much your customers are worth to you will help us determine the right budget to get you the ROI you'are looking for.

"*"indicates required fields

Do you have any team members solely dedicated to marketing?



"*"indicates required fields

Let us know where to send your custom estimate.

We will never share or sell your information. Scout's honor.

Thanks for contacting us!

Our robots are working hard to calculate the cost of your project. Once they're done, you'll get an email to your inbox with more information. In the meantime, feel free to check out Frequently Asked Questions to see if there's anything else we can answer for you.


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